

来源:中国喷墨网 发布日期:2023-01-07 1127


肩负行业高质量发展蓄势赋能使命,我们致力于将2023 APPPEXPO 上海国际广印展打造成一个集聚全球行业优势品牌资源、展现行业高水准技术的专业贸易采购平台。

鉴于今冬明春疫情仍不稳定,专家预计疫情将于2023年3月中上旬进入平稳阶段,为最大程度保障参展参会等人员的健康安全与展会效果,组委会经过与展商的充分沟通,了解展商意愿,审慎研究与评估后决定:原定于2023年3月1-4日的2023 APPPEXPO 上海国际广印展调整至2023年6月18-21日举办,地点仍为国家会展中心(上海)。


我们衷心感谢每一位朋友对于APPPEXPO 上海国际广印展一如既往的信赖与支持,让我们能够做出这个艰难但有意义的决定。我们将与大家携手并进,持续为全产业链提供更多合作与交流机会,使参与者们能够面对面商洽,开拓更多合作商机。期待久别重逢后我们相聚于更为广阔、富有成效的行业平台,让我们蓄势扬帆,共启新征程!

In order to hold a safe, orderly and fruitful trade event, to fully protect the health and safety of all participants, the organizing committee of APPPEXPO is now announcing that APPPEXPO 2023, originally scheduled on March 1-4, will be postponed to June 18-21, 2023, so as to avoid the probable epidemic peak that is predicted to occur in early March, and the venue is still the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

For the past 30 years since its establishment, APPPEXPO, one of the most influential international professional exhibitions in advertising, sign, printing and packaging industry, has always adhered to its original intention of building an open, shared and innovative global trade platform, promoting industry development and innovation, and efficiently achieving unlimited business opportunities.

We sincerely thank every participant for their constant trust and support to APPPEXPO! We will continue to work together with you to provide more opportunities for cooperation and communication. We look forward to meeting you on APPPEXPO 2023 in the coming June and start a new journey together!
